
Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope​

Hitachi's unique 200 kV aberration-corrected TEM/STEM: the perfect harmony of imaging resolution and analytical performance

0.078 nm spatial resolution in STEM is achieved together with high specimen-tilt capability and large solid angle EDX detector(s), all in a single objective lens configuration. The HF5000 builds on features from Hitachi HD-2700 dedicated STEM including Hitachi's own fully automated aberration corrector, symmetrical dual SDD EDX and Cs-corrected SE imaging. It also incorporates the advanced TEM/STEM technologies developed in the HF series.​


Tags: Hitachi Field Emission Transmission Electron Microscope HF5000 ​Sigmatech Inc. Philippines
  1. Hitachi fully automated probe-forming spherical aberration corrector
  2. High-brightness and high-stability cold FE electron gun (Cold FEG)
  3. Ultra-stable column and power supplies for enhanced instrument performance
  4. Simultaneous Cs-corrected SEM & STEM imaging capability with atomic resolution
  5. New high-stability side-entry specimen stage and specimen holders
  6. Symmetrically opposed dual 100 mm2 EDX* detectors : “Symmetrical Dual SDD*
  7. Newly designed enclosure for optimum performance in real laboratory environments
  8. A wide range of Hitachi advanced specimen holders*

High-brightness Cold FEG×High-stability×Hitachi automated aberration corrector

The new high-stability Cold FEG uses a thoroughly redesigned version of Hitachi’s long-established cold field-emission electron source technology.
Total system stability has also been optimized in order to achieve sub-Å imaging. The column, power supplies and specimen stage have all been newly designed to offer the very best mechanical and electrical stability. Combining these capabilities with Hitachi’s unique fully-automated probe-forming Cs-corrector, just requiring a single click of a mouse, ensures all users can reach the very best performance quickly and easily.

Si(211) single crystal HAADF-STEM image (left), image intensity profile (right lower) and FFT power spectrum (right upper)
Si(211) single crystal HAADF-STEM image (left), image intensity profile (right lower) and FFT power spectrum (right upper)

Symmetrically opposed dual 100 mm2 EDX* detectors : “Symmetrical Dual SDD*

High-sensitivity, high-throughput EDX is achieved with symmetrically opposed dual 100 mm2 SDDs.
The symmetrical dual SDD configuration results in an almost constant count rate when tilting. On crystalline samples, EDX acquisition can be performed simply with the zone axis aligned, compared with single detector configuration.
The large solid angle also means that EDX mapping can be achieved even on beam-sensitive and/or low X-ray yield specimens, including atomic column mapping. High pixel resolution EDX with wide field of view is also achievable, providing large high-resolution datasets.

GaAs (110) atomic column EDX elemental mapping
GaAs (110) atomic column EDX elemental mapping

Simultaneous Cs-corrected SEM & STEM imaging

Simultaneous SEM & STEM imaging is offered as standard, with ET-type SE detector.
This enables the correlation of surface and internal information with insights into the 3D structure of the specimen, without the need to perform 3D tomography.
Additionally, the Cs-corrected SEM image offers higher spatial resolution with more faithful surface information

Au/CeO2 catalyst SEM/ADF-/BF-STEM images (upper), and respective high resolution Au particle images (lower).
Au/CeO2 catalyst SEM/ADF-/BF-STEM images (upper), and respective high resolution Au particle images (lower).

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