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LAQUA 1000 Series Instruction Manual
See more Horiba Products LAQUA
This versatile water bath can be a linear or orbital shaker, or use as a static bath, depending on the platform you choose. Changing platforms is easy — strong magnets couple to the drive unit so there’s no need for tricky fittings.
Equipped with an original direct conversion X-ray camera, it is possible to inspect images that are clear and have little deterioration in brightness
The Aridus3 can enhance analyte sensitivity up to 10 times or more ​​​and can greatly reduce solvent-based interferences such as oxides and hydrides
The Excite Pharos is a the most user-friendly femtosecond laser ablation system on the market, featuring a compact, fully sealed and factory aligned laser head that does not need routine adjustment or cleaning.
The Herzog OptiFlash Pensky Martens determines the flash point of petroleum products, biodiesels, solvents, fluxed bitumen, food, and beverages up to 400°C. Fire detection in extended range around test cup and flash detection outside the cup.
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