Cambridge PAC High Pressure Viscosity Sensors – Sigmatech Inc. Philippines
The high pressure viscosity sensors 440 and 443 are used in various applications including PVT oil research, EOR, core analysis, and supercritical fluid research.
Meter Kit Available:
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Package Details:
PC1100-SN: Kit with 501-S (pH 4.01 / 6.86 / 9.18 NIST buffers & 3.33M KCl,  250ml each) is available upon request.
See more Horiba Products LAQUA
The high pressure viscosity sensors 440 and 443 are used in various applications including PVT oil research, EOR, core analysis, and supercritical fluid research.
The XM60 / XM60-HR moisture analyzer is the low-volume instrument for customers with low sample volumes and quantities.
The U5000AT+ Ultrasonic Nebulizer​​ offers up to 10x lower element detection limits for ICP-AES and ICP-MS. Samples are introduced onto a highly efficient piezoelectric transducer, providing greater sample transport efficiency to the ICP.
Several improvements and enhancements have been made to the latest HORIBA LAQUA handheld meters allowing sustained periods of operations in challenging outdoor conditions and making the 200 series a compact yet powerful versatile water quality meters.
HORIBA’s unique compact meter integrates the electrode, display and sample container to enable simple, effective on-site testing by direct measurement from a single drop.
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