
Aquatic Chamber

The 6800-18 Aquatic Chamber is used to measure steady-state carbon assimilation and chlorophyll a fluorescence from an algal suspension using the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System, the preferred photosynthesis system for terrestrial plant research.

The LI-6800 is trusted by leading researchers and institutions around the world to measure carbon assimilation (A) and pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll a fluorescence in terrestrial plants. With high precision CO2 and H2gas analyzers and automated system controls, the LI-6800 is used to test novel hypotheses at the forefront of photophysiology research.

The NEW 6800-18 Aquatic Chamber extends these capabilities to aquatic samples, enabling researchers to explore questions related to photosynthesis of algae in suspension.


How it works

In contrast with typical oxygen-based measurements of algal photosynthesis, where photosynthesis is derived from the change in O2 concentration over time, the LI-6800 is an open, flow-through, steady-state gas exchange system where CO2 and O2 concentrations are constant during the measurement.

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