The Excite is equipped with a high definition, color GigE camera on a high magnification, optical zoom, video-microscope capable of resolving 2 μm features. Transmitted, reflective and ring illumination, cross polarizers plus software selectable camera settings give the user enhanced viewing capabilities.
The Excite ablates all materials, from opaque to highly transparent, including delicate powders, hard quartz and resilient carbonates with depth penetration in the tens of nanometers per shot. The beam energy profile is homogenized to ensure uniform ablations across the entire range of spot sizes and on a wide range of materials.
The Velocity 18R Pro Bench-top Centrifuge delivers exceptional capacity (36 x 15ml, 16 x 50ml), refrigerated centrifugation with an impressive maximum speed of 18,000 RPM (28,978 x g).
The technology for spectrophotometers continues to advance. Hitachi designs double beam spectrophotometers encompassing technologies for the future.
Several improvements and enhancements have been made to the latest HORIBA LAQUA handheld meters allowing sustained periods of operations in challenging outdoor conditions and making the 200 series a compact yet powerful versatile water quality meters.
Automated Soil CO2 Flux System A portable, automated system for simple and reliable survey and long-term measurements over a study site.
The Hitachi Chromaster 5610 mass detector is designed for HPLC applications, that may not require a large-scale mass spectrometer.
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