*System Blank Detection Limit is determined by 10 no-boat readings under ideal system conditions. The standard deviation of the 10 readings is multiplied by 3 to determine final value.
ULTRAPOL Basic lapping and polishing machine offers the build-quality required for high precision manual polishing of materials for production, research and NAND flash chip-off in digital forensics — at an extremely affordable price.
Several improvements and enhancements have been made to the latest HORIBA LAQUA handheld meters allowing sustained periods of operations in challenging outdoor conditions and making the 200 series a compact yet powerful versatile water quality meters.
The HD-2700 is an 80-200 kV field-emission-gun scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) with secondary electron (SE) imaging capability. Bulk and surface structures of a specimen can be imaged simultaneously.
Not only does Prodigy Plus provide superb resolution, stability and detection limits for reliable results, it also provides a wide variety of optional features that are guaranteed to enhance the capabilities of your organic analysis lab.
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