Eddy Covariance Systems

LI-COR eddy covariance systems measure the exchange of CO2H2O, CH4 , and energy between the earth's surface and the atmosphere, empowering researchers to advance scientific understanding of climate and ecosystem dynamics.

The most accurate, affordable, and deployable eddy covariance systems available, LI-COR systems are trusted by researchers and flux networks around the world.

From system design and set-up to data collection and automated flux computation, LI-COR offers comprehensive eddy covariance solutions that streamline the process for researchers of all experience levels.

Simplified, automated systems

LI-COR gas analyzers, instrument platforms, and software simplify the eddy covariance method, making it more accessible to an expanding range of applications and research areas. Our systems are straightforward, flexible, and can be customized from a single-analyzer setup to advanced systems that measure methane flux and biological and meteorological variables.

Three-gas system, low power requirements

Featuring the most trustworthy gas analyzers available, LI-COR eddy covariance systems measure CO2, H2O, CH4, and energy flux with as little as 12 watts in ideal conditions. Open path CO2, enclosed path CO2, and any combination with CH4 require less power than any other system on the market. Solar power systems – designed to LI-COR specifications – can power the system wherever it’s deployed.

Design your system

Global standard for eddy covariance research

LI-COR systems are the global standard chosen by major flux networks—including AmeriFlux, AsiaFlux, ChinaFLUX, Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), Cold and Arid Regions Network (CARN), Integrated Carbon Observatory System (ICOS), and National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).

globe of major networks

Reliable data collection

Every aspect of a LI-COR eddy covariance system is designed with reliable data collection in mind.

Omnidirectional instrument positioning

The analyzer and sonic anemometer configuration of LI-COR instrument platforms allows for reliable measurements from nearly any wind direction.

Temperature-regulated optical components

LI-COR analyzer optics are temperature regulated, mitigating signal drift with changing ambient temperatures.

Ability to Integrate multiple sonic anemometer models

To meet diverse research needs, LI-COR systems can be configured with more than 10 digital anemometer models from different manufacturers.

Streamlined data analysis

Data from LI-COR instruments are optimized for processing using EddyPro® Software and the SmartFlux® System.

Minimized flow distortion

Fluxes are computed by partitioning the total air flow measured by the anemometer into three wind components. If air flow is disrupted near the anemometer, flow distortion errors can occur. Since there is no correction algorithm for this, it is critical to choose a gas analyzer and anemometer system that minimizes or eliminates this issue.

Sensor separation with LI-COR instrument models mitigates the distortion of air flow through the sonic anemometer that is found in co-located configurations.

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sonic anemometer flow distortion
An object too close to the sonic anemometer—whether a tree branch, tower support, or gas analyzer—can cause flow distortion and lead to measurement errors.

LI-COR advantages

LI-COR eddy covariance systems are designed for reliable data collection.

Key FeatureThe LI-COR Advantage
Omnidirectional instrument positioningThe analyzer and sonic anemometer configuration of LI-COR instrument platforms allows for reliable data collection from nearly any wind direction.
Instruments separated to reduce flow distortionSensor separation in LI-COR instruments mitigates the distortion of air flow through the sonic anemometer that is found in co-located instruments.
Ability to integrate multiple sonic anemometer modelsLI-COR systems can be configured with more than 10 digital anemometer models from different manufacturers.
Streamlined data analysisData from LI-COR instruments are optimized for processing with EddyPro Software and the SmartFlux System.

Field-proven gas analyzers

Featuring the most trustworthy gas analyzers available, LI-COR systems include technology that has been chosen as the global standard by major flux networks. Testing by these networks has proven that our gas analyzers are the most stable and precise, offering superior gas measurements (mol fraction and density) in eddy covariance systems.

Fast, accurate measurements

With a complete LI-COR eddy covariance system, observations accurately reflect differences in ecosystem-level gas exchange. Your results can be reliably interpreted, and you can submit data that are free of introduced bias from non-standard instruments or processing methods.

With careful optical and electronic design, the performance of LI-COR analyzers is consistent with theoretical expectations. Full calibration details are provided with every instrument.

Deploy anywhere

LI-COR gas analyzers provide dependable, stable gas concentration measurements over a full temperature range.

The open path LI-7500DS and LI-7700 and enclosed path LI-7200RS analyzers are designed for challenging outdoor environments. Key optical components are actively temperature regulated, and electronics are stable over a wide temperature range.

High-speed LI-COR gas analyzers have the lowest power requirements of any comparable analyzer. They accommodate a variety of sonic anemometers and mounting structures for proven performance and reliable data.

See all instruments

44 °C31 °C16 °C1 °C-11 °C-24 °C-0.00100.0010.0020.0030.0040.00500.511.52Highcharts.comCO2 Calibration

CO2 Absorption/kPa

CO2 Density (mmol/m3)/kPa The typical performance of LI-COR gas analyzers over a range of temperatures and CO2 densities.

researchers set up Eddy Covariance station in the snow

Photo Credit: Alfred-Wegener Institut/Lianna Nixon, University of Colorado Boulder (CC-BY 4.0)

LI-COR advantages

LI-COR gas analyzers are designed for reliable data collection in challenging environments.

Key FeatureThe LI-COR Advantage
Temperature-regulated optical componentsLI-COR analyzer optics are temperature regulated, mitigating signal drift from changing ambient temperatures.
Low power requirementsThe LI-7500DS draws only 4 W of power—the lowest of comparable analyzers—and is ideal for remote deployment.

Zoom in on the ecosystem

To explore what drives eddy covariance flux results, zoom in to light, plants, and soil. Eddy covariance research can be further informed by integrating data from smaller scale measurements such as leaf area index, leaf level processes, soil gas flux, trace gases, and light architecture. Learn more about LI-COR ecosystem monitoring solutions.

Learn more

Reliable data processing on-site

LI-COR eddy covariance systems are the only systems that provide accurate, fully processed, and corrected results on-site as data are collected. With automated flux computation, processing, and optimization, you get dependable data in real time with EddyPro® Software on your computer and the SmartFlux® System, and online with FluxSuite® Software.

LI-COR Eddy Covariance Systems Philippines
Eddy Covariance LICOR

LI-COR‘s eddy covariance systems, available through Sigmatech Inc. in the Philippines, provide precise measurements of ecosystem fluxes, making them essential for environmental and climate research.

Publications and Posters

See publications that use LI-COR eddy covariance analyzers.

Get the Publications List


Using Flux Measurements for Immediate Societal Benefits
Burba, G., 2022. Using Flux Measurements for Immediate Societal Benefits. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 12-16 December.

2155 Past & Present Eddy Covariance Measurement Locations, & Still Counting
Burba G., 2019. Illustrative Maps of Past and Present Eddy Covariance Measurement Locations: II. High-Resolution Images. Retrieved August 6, 2019, www.researchgate.net 9 pp. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33191.70561

Tovi, New Software for Flux Data Analysis: from Gap Filling to Flux & Footprint Partitioning
G. Burba, I. Begashaw, A. Forgione, N. Franken, F. Griessbaum, P. Isaac, D. Johnson, J. Kathilankal, A. McQuistan, A. Parkinson, M. Sun, A. Templeton, L. Woodford, and G. Fratini, 2019. Tovi, New Software for Flux Data Analysis: from Gap Filling to Flux & Footprint Partitioning. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April.

Eddy Covariance flux errors due to synchronization issues during data acquisition
Gerardo Fratini, Simone Sabbatini, Kevin Ediger, Brad Riensche, George Burba, Giacomo Nicolini, Domenico Vitale, and Dario Papale, 2019. Eddy Covariance flux errors due to synchronization issues during data acquisition. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April.

Investigation on the Importance of Fast Air Temperature Measurements in the Sampling Cell of Short-Tube Closed-Path Gas Analyzer for Eddy Covariance Fluxes
James Kathilankal, Gerardo Fratini, George Burba, 2014. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 15-19 December.

A New Tool for Automated Data Collection and Complete On-Site Flux Data Processing for Eddy Covariance Measurements
Israel Begashaw, James Kathilankal, Jiahong Li, Kevin Beaty, Kevin Ediger, Antonio Forgione, Gerardo Fratini, David Johnson, Michael Velgersdyk, Liukang Xu, George Burba, 2014. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 15-19 December.

Direct Continuous Measurements of Methane Emissions From a Landfill
George Burba, Liukang Xu, Xiaomao Lin, Jim Amen, Karla Welding, Dayle McDermitt, 2014. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 15-19 December.

Expanding Spatial and Temporal Coverage of Arctic CH4 and CO2 Fluxes
Patrick Murphy, Walter Oechel, Virginie Moreaux, Salvatore Losacco, and Donatella Zona, 2013. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 9-12 December.

Efficacy of Using Eddy Covariance Method for Gas and Energy Flux measurements in Disciplines and Applications beyond Micrometeorology.
Burba, G., and D. Anderson, 2011. Efficacy of Using Eddy Covariance Method for Gas and Energy Flux measurements in Disciplines and Applications beyond Micrometeorology. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 03-06 April. Submitted

Combining the strengths of open-path and closed-path designs into a single CO2/H2gas analyzer
Burba, G., M. Furtaw, D. McDermitt, and R. Eckles, 2009. Combining the strengths of open-path and closed-path designs into a single CO2/H2gas analyzer. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14-18 December.

Solution for Minimizing Surface Heating Effect for Fast Open-path CO2 Flux Measurements in Cold Environments
Burba, G., D. McDermitt, J. Hupp, D. Anderson, and R. Eckles, 2010. Solution for Minimizing Surface Heating Effect for Fast Open-path CO2 Flux Measurements in Cold Environments. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 13-17 December.

Calculating CO2 and H2Eddy Covariance Fluxes from Low-power Gas Analyzer Using Fast Mixing Ratio
Burba, G., A. Schmidt, R. Scott, J. Kathilankal, B. Law, D. McDermitt, D. Anderson, R. Eckles, M. Furtaw, and M. Velgersdyk, 2010. Calculating CO2 and H2Eddy Covariance Fluxes from Low-power Gas Analyzer Using Fast Mixing Ratio. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 13-17 December.

Eddy Covariance Measurements of Methane Flux at Remote Sites with New Low-Power Lightweight Fast Gas Analyzer
Burba, G., L. Xu, J. Schedlbauer, D. Zona, T. Anderson, D.K. McDermitt, S. Oberbauer, W. Oechel, A. Komissarov, and B. Riensche, 2010. . European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May.


Eddy Covariance Systems

Eddy Covariance Systems

Sistemas Eddy Covariance

Sistemas Eddy Covariance

LI-7200RS Enclosed CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

LI-7200RS Enclosed CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

LI-7700 Open Path CH4 Analyzer

LI-7700 Open Path CH4 Analyzer

>LI-7200RS Enclosed CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

>LI-7200RS Enclosed CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

LI-7500DS Open Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

LI-7500DS Open Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

LI-7700 Open Path CH4 Gas Analyzer

LI-7700 Open Path CH4 Gas Analyzer

Systems Integration

Systems Integration

Tripod and Mounting Hardware

Tripod and Mounting Hardware

Fluxsuite® Software

Fluxsuite® Software

Biomet Systems and Sensors

Biomet Systems and Sensors

Global Communications

Global Communications

EddyPro® Software

EddyPro® Software

Solar Power

Solar Power

Sonic Anemometers

Sonic Anemometers

Field Guide to Instruments for the Earth Sciences

Field Guide to Instruments for the Earth Sciences


Simplified, automated systems

LI-COR gas analyzers, instrument platforms, and software simplify the eddy covariance method, making it more accessible to an expanding range of applications and research areas. Our systems are straightforward, flexible, and can be customized from a single-analyzer setup to advanced systems that measure methane flux and biological and meteorological variables.

eddy covariance instrument tower graphic

Three-gas system, low power requirements

Featuring the most trustworthy gas analyzers available, LI-COR eddy covariance systems measure CO2H2O, CH4and energy flux with as little as 12 watts in ideal conditions. Open path CO2enclosed path CO2and any combination with CH4 require less power than any other system on the market. Solar power systems – designed to LI-COR specifications – can power the system wherever it’s deployed.

Design your system

Global standard for eddy covariance research

LI-COR systems are the global standard chosen by major flux networks—including AmeriFlux, AsiaFlux, ChinaFLUX, Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN), Cold and Arid Regions Network (CARN), Integrated Carbon Observatory System (ICOS), and National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).

globe of major networks

Reliable data collection

Every aspect of a LI-COR eddy covariance system is designed with reliable data collection in mind.

Omnidirectional instrument positioning

The analyzer and sonic anemometer configuration of LI-COR instrument platforms allows for reliable measurements from nearly any wind direction.

Temperature-regulated optical components

LI-COR analyzer optics are temperature regulated, mitigating signal drift with changing ambient temperatures.

Ability to Integrate multiple sonic anemometer models

To meet diverse research needs, LI-COR systems can be configured with more than 10 digital anemometer models from different manufacturers.

Streamlined data analysis

Data from LI-COR instruments are optimized for processing using EddyPro® Software and the SmartFlux® System.

Minimized flow distortion

Fluxes are computed by partitioning the total air flow measured by the anemometer into three wind components. If air flow is disrupted near the anemometer, flow distortion errors can occur. Since there is no correction algorithm for this, it is critical to choose a gas analyzer and anemometer system that minimizes or eliminates this issue.


Sensor separation with LI-COR instrument models mitigates the distortion of air flow through the sonic anemometer that is found in co-located configurations.

sonic anemometer flow distortion
An object too close to the sonic anemometer—whether a tree branch, tower support, or gas analyzer—can cause flow distortion and lead to measurement errors.

LI-COR advantages

LI-COR eddy covariance systems are designed for reliable data collection.

Key Feature The LI-COR Advantage
Omnidirectional instrument positioning The analyzer and sonic anemometer configuration of LI-COR instrument platforms allows for reliable data collection from nearly any wind direction.
Instruments separated to reduce flow distortion Sensor separation in LI-COR instruments mitigates the distortion of air flow through the sonic anemometer that is found in co-located instruments.
Ability to integrate multiple sonic anemometer models LI-COR systems can be configured with more than 10 digital anemometer models from different manufacturers.
Streamlined data analysis Data from LI-COR instruments are optimized for processing with EddyPro Software and the SmartFlux System.

Field-proven gas analyzers

Featuring the most trustworthy gas analyzers available, LI-COR systems include technology that has been chosen as the global standard by major flux networks. Testing by these networks has proven that our gas analyzers are the most stable and precise, offering superior gas measurements (mol fraction and density) in eddy covariance systems.

Fast, accurate measurements

With a complete LI-COR eddy covariance system, observations accurately reflect differences in ecosystem-level gas exchange. Your results can be reliably interpreted, and you can submit data that are free of introduced bias from non-standard instruments or processing methods.

With careful optical and electronic design, the performance of LI-COR analyzers is consistent with theoretical expectations. Full calibration details are provided with every instrument.

Deploy anywhere

LI-COR gas analyzers provide dependable, stable gas concentration measurements over a full temperature range.

The open path LI-7500DS and LI-7700 and enclosed path LI-7200RS analyzers are designed for challenging outdoor environments. Key optical components are actively temperature regulated, and electronics are stable over a wide temperature range.

High-speed LI-COR gas analyzers have the lowest power requirements of any comparable analyzer. They accommodate a variety of sonic anemometers and mounting structures for proven performance and reliable data.

See all instruments

44 °C31 °C16 °C1 °C-11 °C-24 °C-0.00100.0010.0020.0030.0040.00500.511.52Highcharts.comCO2 Calibration

CO2 Absorption/kPa
CO2 Density (mmol/m3)/kPa
The typical performance of LI-COR gas analyzers over a range of temperatures and CO2 densities.
researchers set up Eddy Covariance station in the snow

Photo Credit: Alfred-Wegener Institut/Lianna Nixon, University of Colorado Boulder (CC-BY 4.0)

LI-COR advantages

LI-COR gas analyzers are designed for reliable data collection in challenging environments.

Key Feature The LI-COR Advantage
Temperature-regulated optical components LI-COR analyzer optics are temperature regulated, mitigating signal drift from changing ambient temperatures.
Low power requirements The LI-7500DS draws only 4 W of power—the lowest of comparable analyzers—and is ideal for remote deployment.

Zoom in on the ecosystem

To explore what drives eddy covariance flux results, zoom in to light, plants, and soil. Eddy covariance research can be further informed by integrating data from smaller scale measurements such as leaf area index, leaf level processes, soil gas flux, trace gases, and light architecture. Learn more about LI-COR ecosystem monitoring solutions.

Learn more

Reliable data processing on-site

LI-COR eddy covariance systems are the only systems that provide accurate, fully processed, and corrected results on-site as data are collected. With automated flux computation, processing, and optimization, you get dependable data in real time with EddyPro® Software on your computer and the SmartFlux® System, and online with FluxSuite® Software.

Publications and Posters

See publications that use LI-COR eddy covariance analyzers.

Get the Publications List


Using Flux Measurements for Immediate Societal Benefits
Burba, G., 2022. Using Flux Measurements for Immediate Societal Benefits. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, 12-16 December.

2155 Past & Present Eddy Covariance Measurement Locations, & Still Counting
Burba G., 2019. Illustrative Maps of Past and Present Eddy Covariance Measurement Locations: II. High-Resolution Images. Retrieved August 6, 2019, www.researchgate.net 9 pp. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33191.70561

Tovi, New Software for Flux Data Analysis: from Gap Filling to Flux & Footprint Partitioning
G. Burba, I. Begashaw, A. Forgione, N. Franken, F. Griessbaum, P. Isaac, D. Johnson, J. Kathilankal, A. McQuistan, A. Parkinson, M. Sun, A. Templeton, L. Woodford, and G. Fratini, 2019. Tovi, New Software for Flux Data Analysis: from Gap Filling to Flux & Footprint Partitioning. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April.

Eddy Covariance flux errors due to synchronization issues during data acquisition
Gerardo Fratini, Simone Sabbatini, Kevin Ediger, Brad Riensche, George Burba, Giacomo Nicolini, Domenico Vitale, and Dario Papale, 2019. Eddy Covariance flux errors due to synchronization issues during data acquisition. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 07-12 April.

Investigation on the Importance of Fast Air Temperature Measurements in the Sampling Cell of Short-Tube Closed-Path Gas Analyzer for Eddy Covariance Fluxes
James Kathilankal, Gerardo Fratini, George Burba, 2014. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 15-19 December.

A New Tool for Automated Data Collection and Complete On-Site Flux Data Processing for Eddy Covariance Measurements
Israel Begashaw, James Kathilankal, Jiahong Li, Kevin Beaty, Kevin Ediger, Antonio Forgione, Gerardo Fratini, David Johnson, Michael Velgersdyk, Liukang Xu, George Burba, 2014. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 15-19 December.

Direct Continuous Measurements of Methane Emissions From a Landfill
George Burba, Liukang Xu, Xiaomao Lin, Jim Amen, Karla Welding, Dayle McDermitt, 2014. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 15-19 December.

Expanding Spatial and Temporal Coverage of Arctic CH4 and CO2 Fluxes
Patrick Murphy, Walter Oechel, Virginie Moreaux, Salvatore Losacco, and Donatella Zona, 2013. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 9-12 December.

Efficacy of Using Eddy Covariance Method for Gas and Energy Flux measurements in Disciplines and Applications beyond Micrometeorology.
Burba, G., and D. Anderson, 2011. Efficacy of Using Eddy Covariance Method for Gas and Energy Flux measurements in Disciplines and Applications beyond Micrometeorology. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 03-06 April. Submitted

Combining the strengths of open-path and closed-path designs into a single CO2/H2gas analyzer
Burba, G., M. Furtaw, D. McDermitt, and R. Eckles, 2009. Combining the strengths of open-path and closed-path designs into a single CO2/H2gas analyzer. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14-18 December.

Solution for Minimizing Surface Heating Effect for Fast Open-path CO2 Flux Measurements in Cold Environments
Burba, G., D. McDermitt, J. Hupp, D. Anderson, and R. Eckles, 2010. Solution for Minimizing Surface Heating Effect for Fast Open-path CO2 Flux Measurements in Cold Environments. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 13-17 December.

Calculating CO2 and H2Eddy Covariance Fluxes from Low-power Gas Analyzer Using Fast Mixing Ratio
Burba, G., A. Schmidt, R. Scott, J. Kathilankal, B. Law, D. McDermitt, D. Anderson, R. Eckles, M. Furtaw, and M. Velgersdyk, 2010. Calculating CO2 and H2Eddy Covariance Fluxes from Low-power Gas Analyzer Using Fast Mixing Ratio. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 13-17 December.

Eddy Covariance Measurements of Methane Flux at Remote Sites with New Low-Power Lightweight Fast Gas Analyzer
Burba, G., L. Xu, J. Schedlbauer, D. Zona, T. Anderson, D.K. McDermitt, S. Oberbauer, W. Oechel, A. Komissarov, and B. Riensche, 2010. . European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 02-07 May.


Eddy Covariance Systems

Eddy Covariance Systems

Sistemas Eddy Covariance

Sistemas Eddy Covariance

LI-7200RS Enclosed CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

LI-7200RS Enclosed CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

LI-7700 Open Path CH4 Analyzer

LI-7700 Open Path CH4 Analyzer

>LI-7200RS Enclosed CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

>LI-7200RS Enclosed CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

LI-7500DS Open Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

LI-7500DS Open Path CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer

LI-7700 Open Path CH4 Gas Analyzer

LI-7700 Open Path CH4 Gas Analyzer

Systems Integration

Systems Integration

Tripod and Mounting Hardware

Tripod and Mounting Hardware

Fluxsuite® Software

Fluxsuite® Software

Biomet Systems and Sensors

Biomet Systems and Sensors

Global Communications

Global Communications

EddyPro® Software

EddyPro® Software

Solar Power

Solar Power

Sonic Anemometers

Sonic Anemometers

Field Guide to Instruments for the Earth Sciences

Field Guide to Instruments for the Earth Sciences

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The LI-3100C is a rugged bench-top instrument designed to quickly digitize the area, length, and width of leaves.
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The LI-7700 is designed specifically for eddy covariance flux measurements to evaluate methane emissions from the terrestrial landscape.
The LI-COR LI-7815 CO2/H2O Trace Gas Analyzer provides exceptionally stable and precise measurements for long-term atmospheric monitoring measurements.

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Eddy Covariance Systems
Eddy Covariance Systems