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This new generation of the long-standing Hitachi tabletop microscopes (TM) integrates ease of use, optimized imaging, and high-image quality, while maintaining compact design
The PHEMOS-X is a high-resolution emission microscope that pinpoints failure locations in semiconductor devices by detecting the weak light emissions and heat emissions caused by defects.
STA (simultaneous thermogravimetric analysis) measures DSC and TGA simultaneously in a single unit.
In combination with very sensitive detector technology, especially the fluorescence detector, the Chromaster HPLC system is one of the strongest LC systems on the market.
The LI-COR LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System is a cutting-edge tool designed for precise measurements of photosynthetic gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence.
Get rapid insights into stomatal conductance, chlorophyll fluorescence, and leaf angle for a variety of leaf sizes and morphologies, including many needles and narrow grasses.
The 6800-18 Aquatic Chamber is used to measure steady-state carbon assimilation and chlorophyll a fluorescence from algal suspensions, coral, macro algae, and sea grasses.
The LAI‑2200C Plant Canopy Analyzer uses a non-destructive method to easily and accurately measure Leaf Area Index (LAI).
The LI-180 Spectrometer lets you capture the spectral composition of your light sources with a single click.
The LI-190R Quantum Sensor measures photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). The LI-190R is designed for use in horticulture, ecology, greenhouses, and more.
The LI-191R Line Quantum Sensor measures PAR integrated over its 1-meter length. It is used to measure sunlight under a plant canopy, where the light field is non-uniform.
Choose the LI-250Q package for spot measurements of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) intensity and quantity with unrivaled accuracy.
The LI-1500 allows for simple configuration of automated sampling to compute daily light integral (DLI) from PAR readings captured by LI-COR quantum sensors.
The LI-193 Spherical Quantum Sensor measures PAR in air or underwater from all directions at depths up to 350 meters. This sensor is useful for studies of phytoplankton, which uses radiation from …
The LI-3000C is a lightweight, non-destructive instrument to get leaf area measurements where you need to. Ideal for rapid field surveys of attached leaves.
The LI-3100C is a rugged bench-top instrument designed to quickly digitize the area, length, and width of leaves.
LI-COR eddy covariance systems measure the exchange of CO2, H2O, CH4 , and energy between the earth’s surface and the atmosphere, empowering researchers to advance scientific understanding of climate
LI-830 and LI-850 are just right – bringing proven performance at an economical price to provide CO2 gas measurements that you can depend on day after day.
The LI-200R Pyranometer is meant to be used outdoors under unobstructed natural daylight conditions. It measures global solar radiation—the combination of direct and diffuse solar radiation—in the 400
The LI-192 Underwater Quantum Sensor measures PAR from all angles in one hemisphere. The LI-192 works in air or underwater at depths up to 560 meters.
The LI-210R Photometric Sensor measures light with the same sensitivity as a typical human eye. The photometric sensor is ideal for evaluating illumination in work areas, exhibits, interior, etc.
PAC provides complete, turn-key gas chromatographic solutions for accurate determination of true boiling point data – from naphtha up to crude oil samples.
The LI-7200RS Enclosed CO2/H2O Gas Analyzer is designed for high-speed CO2 and water vapor gas exchange measurements.
ElemeNtS is the most advanced, modular, analytical system which detects Total Sulfur and/or Total Nitrogen efficiently using Ultraviolet Fluorescence (UVF) and Chemiluminescence (CLD) in solid, liquid
The LI-7500DS is designed for high-speed CO2 and water vapor measurements in ambient air. Lower power and maintenance requirements make it ideal for field deployments.
PAC’s Alcor JFTOT® IV is the globally recognized standard for jet fuel thermal oxidation testing with a worldwide installed base of over 1,000 instruments.
The LI-7700 is designed specifically for eddy covariance flux measurements to evaluate methane emissions from the terrestrial landscape.
ViscoLab PVT delivers accurate, fast, and reliable viscosity measurements in high-pressure environments.
The LI-7810 CH4/CO2/H2O Trace Gas Analyzer offers high performance methane measurements in a durable, portable design. This makes the LI-7810 a great fit for survey or long-term measurements of soil C
The LI-COR LI-7815 CO2/H2O Trace Gas Analyzer provides exceptionally stable and precise measurements for long-term atmospheric monitoring measurements.

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failure analysis, material characterization, and metrology equipment

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