Both configurations can be used with the high-capacity liquid auto-samplers:
749 Autosampler:
Vertical configuration — a total of 324 x 2mL-vials can be stored on two tray holders.
Horizontal configuration — a total of 162 x 2mL-vials can be stored on one tray holder.
Available sizes: 10, 25, 50, and 100 µl.
Alternative sample introduction possibilities are:
Accura Gas Injection: The ElemeNtS, in combination with PAC’s Accura, is an excellent solution for the introduction of gaseous and LPG samples
Single Shot Autosampler: Cost-effective solution for injecting a single replicate sample by syringe on the vertical configurations. Available size: 25 µl
Manual injection: Manual sample introduction of both liquid and solids samples on the horizontal configurations