Publish your research story
You share your research stories by publishing in scientific journals. The LI-6800 is your partner in research—it reveals biological processes with its measurements so you can create compelling publications with your data.
LI-6800 features that safeguard the collection and quality of publishable data include:
Automated startup, system tests and real-time operating status information ensure that the instrument starts and performs in top form, allowing you to quickly address issues if they arise.
Long-lasting, hot-swappable batteries keep up with you on long days. Battery charge status and a low-battery warning on the display let you keep going without interruption until you complete your measurements.
A responsive touch screen with a powerful graphics processor helps you visualize and understand the instrument settings.
Charts of live and logged data show multiple parameters at once. You can auto-scale, zoom in, and rescale charts to let the data reveal its story.
Configurable data logging capabilities help you get the data you need for a robust, thorough analysis.
Data are recorded as plain text and Microsoft® Excel® files with embedded equations so you can recompute datasets with altered parameters.
Novel advancements
LI-COR continues its tradition of innovation in environmental measurement technology and applications. The LI-6800 features advancements not found in any other photosynthesis system.
Aquatic photosynthesis
The 6800-18 Aquatic Chamber—with the LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System—measures steady-state carbon assimilation and chlorophyll a fluorescence from algal suspensions, coral, macro algae, sea grasses, and more.
Dynamic Assimilation™ Technique
The Dynamic Assimilation Technique, based on a reformulation of the traditional assimilation equation, allows you to take measurements when chamber conditions are not at steady state, so you can record faster CO2 response curves and survey measurements.
Multiphase Flash™ Fluorometer
With its highly uniform light output, configurable modulation rate, signal-to-noise optimization, and flash intensity of up to 16,000 µmol, the 6800-01A Multiphase Flash Fluorometer quickly achieves maximum fluorescence yield, providing true resolution of the OJIP points and high data density for the regression.
Undergraduate teaching colleges, research institutions, and non-profit organizations can collaborate and extend their reach around shared interests and the LI-6800.
Educators and researchers in plant physiology, aquatic photosynthesis, climate science, soil science, and agronomy can use the LI-6800 to answer research questions and demonstrate concepts in the field, lab, or classroom.
LI-COR LI-6800 Portable Photosynthesis System Philippines