PAC AC Analytical Controls Detailed Hydrocarbon Analyzer (DHA)
Features & Benefits
- Full range of DHA applications comply with ASTM D5134, D6729, D6730 and D6733
- AC Fast DHA application for optimized separations in 28 minutes
- Unique Combi system permits the analysis of both light petroleum streams and the light end in crude oil
- DHA Front End application uses the AC pre-fractionator for the analysis of the light end in crude oil conform IP PM-DL
- Improved Ease of Use and more Flexibility
- Applications are compatible with major chromatographic data systems
- Independent from Chromatography data system
- Multi-Language Support: English, Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Portuguese, French, Korean
- DHA Front End analysis results can be directly merged with High Temperature SIMDIS analysis in the SIMDIS software, for improved crude oil boiling point distribution results.
- Predefined settings per sample type contribute to reliable peak identificationThe IRIS 3.0 Client/Server seamlessly integrates SimDis & DHA XLNC into your networked CDS environment.Intelligent capabilities built into the Agilent 8890 GC give you the freedom to work with your GC… not on it. These capabilities can also grow over time as your analytical needs change—so you can keep your lab moving toward a successful future.DHA XLNCTM is a software suite for GC Detailed Hydrocarbon analyzers that truly refocuses all operator efforts on workflow. PAC AC Analytical Controls’ DHA Software interfaces universally to all major Chromatography Data Systems in the market to produce accurate results; fast and in the format required.The DHA XLNC software contains predefined test methods and product knowledge, limiting user configuration to a bare minimum. Component database, test methods and dedicated products can easily be created, copied or modified to match specific needs.Compounds identification based on Kovats index is combined with Intelligent Peak Identification, resulting in more accurate assignment and increased analysis reliability.