The VIEW Benchmark™ 450 delivers VIEW performance with generous measuring envelopes. Benchmark 450 embodies the ideal configuration of SMT assembly metrology when configured with VIEW’s unique Elements software.
In-line automatic inspection equipment for electronic board X-ray inspection.
HORIBA’s new Partica Mini LA-350 Laser Diffraction Particle Size Distribution Analyzer is the ideal combination of performance, price, and packaging. The LA-350 excels in applications as diverse as slurries, minerals, and paper chemistry.
The NX9000 FIB-SEM system allows the highest precision in material processing for a wide range of areas relating to advanced materials, electronic devices, biological tissues, and a multitude of other applications.
Its large sample holder and scan area, high spatial resolution, fast acquisition speed and large bandwidth make it a powerful lab instrument for high resolution R&D applications and at the same time a perfectly suitable instrument for high volume quality control in production environment.
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