

Central to a LI-COR long-term system is the LI-8250 Multiplexer. The LI-8250 acts as a single point of access to interact with and control a LI-COR gas analyzer and up to 36 chambers or flasks.

Where Precise Gas Analysis Meets Patented Chamber Technology

As the access point of communication, the LI-8250 lets you control, monitor, and review measurements from each chamber. When connected with a LI-COR gas analyzer, see live flux calculations and diagnostics at your site. Connect with a third-party analyzer to provide time-synchronization for post-processing of fluxes of other gases.

The LI-8250 includes an embedded Wi-Fi server. This server allows you to connect to the Multiplexer using any Wi-Fi enabled device via browser. Add a cellular modem to receive daily summary files and remotely monitor your system—visit the site only as necessary.

+ How is the LI-8250 Multiplexer different from the LI-8150 Multiplexer?

LI-8250 Multiplexer studio photo

Reaching 36 Chambers

The LI-8250 Multiplexer has 8 ports. Each multiplexer port can connect to either a chamber or an 8250-01 Extension Manifold. You can have a maximum of 4 extension manifolds connected to the LI-8250 Multiplexer.

Each extension manifold also has 8 ports that can connect to chambers. Since the extension manifold uses 1 multiplexer port, each extension manifold gains you up to 7 more chambers.

With 4 extension manifolds, you can have 32 chambers on extension manifold ports and another 4 chambers on the remaining multiplexer ports.

+ See the maximum number of chambers based on the number of 8250-01 Extension Manifolds in the system

32 chamber soil gas flux system featuring LI-8250 Multiplexer and 8250-01 Extension Manifold
LI-8250 Multiplexer, 8250-02 Calibration Manifold, LI-7825 CO2 Isotop/NH3 Trace Gas Analyzer, and the 8200-104 Opaque Long-Term Chamber group studio photo

Interested in taking CO2 isotope measurements from the soil?

The LI-7825 CO2 Isotope/ NH3 Trace Gas Analyzer can now be added to long-term system using the 8250-02 Calibration Manifold.

 See how you can take high-quality CO2 isotope measurements with the Calibration Manifold.

Interested in measuring trace gas evolution in flasks? The 8250-660 Flask Sampling Kit enables you to use your long-term system for flask measurements too.

Read the Application Note

LI-8250 Specifications


  • Dimensions: 38.5 cm L × 52 cm W × 18.5 cm H
  • Weight: 7.7 kg
  • Weatherproof Rating: Tested to IEC IP55 standard
  • Operating Range:
    • Temperature: –20 to 45 °C
    • Humidity: 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing
  • User Data Storage: 8 GB total non-volatile
  • GPS: Accuracy 2.5 m CEP
  • Coverage Area:
    • Maximum radius from LI-8250 to chambers: 15.0 m with one cable assembly or 30.0 m with an Extension Manifold and two cable assemblies.
    • Maximum diameter of measurement circle: 30.0 m with two cable assemblies or 60.0 m with two Extension Manifolds and four cable assemblies.
  • Plumbing:
    • Flow rate to/from chambers: ~2 to 3 lpm
    • Pump type: Diaphragm (pumps in the analyzers subsample air stream in the LI-8250)
  • Barometric Pressure Sensor:
    • Measurement Range: 20 to 110 kPa
    • Sensor Accuracy: ±0.4 kPa from 50 to 110 kPa
    • Resolution: 0.006 kPa


  • Seven LED Indicators: Power, Ready, Ethernet activity (3), USB activity (2)
  • Connectivity: Three Ethernet Ports, Wi-Fi (not available in some countries)
  • Wi-Fi Compatibility: 2.4 GHz, 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
  • Connectivity Ports:
    • USB-A: One sealed and strain-relieved for connection to LI-870 CO2/H2O Analyzer
    • USB-A: Two standard, internal for mass storage (file transfer) or a country specific Wi-Fi adapter.
    • RJ-45 Ethernet: Three sealed and strain-relieved for connection to LI-COR Trace Gas Analyzers, site Ethernet network, or cellular modem. Connectors also accept standard, non-sealed RJ-45 Ethernet cables for lab use.
  • Output Port Connector: RS-422 communication plus 24 VDC power, full duplex, 115,200 baud. +24 VDC output power is current limited to ~1.8 A per output port.


  • Power Requirements: 10 to 30 VDC (120 VAC and 240 VAC with optional power supply). The LI-8250 powers the 8200-104/C chambers, the 8250-01 Extension Manifold, and the LI-870 CO2/H2O Analyzer.

Table 1. Total system power requirements.

Typical Power Consumption (W)
InstrumentIdleSampling/ MovingMax/ Warm-up
8250-01 (each)
8200-104/C (each)0.364.8N/A

Note: The max listed for the LI-8250 is a typical maximum, there is no additional warm-up power. Chamber power reaches 4.8 W only when opening or closing, not the entire time of sampling.

AC to DC Power Supply (8250-770)

  • Dimensions: 15 cm L × 12.5 cm W × 8.5 cm H
  • Weight: 1.3 kg
  • Weatherproof Rating: Tested to IEC IP55 standard
  • Environmental Operating Conditions: Tested to IP55 for dust and water ingress
  • Operating Temperature Range: –20 to 50 °C
  • Power Requirements: 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 120 VA
  • Output Voltage: 12 VDC, 6.67 A
  • Alternate Power Input: 21.9 to 26.5 VDC 80 W

Flask Sampling Kit (8250-660) Specifications


  • Power Requirements: Input voltage is supplied by the LI-8250 Multiplexer or the 8250-01 Extension Manifold. When a Purge Pump is configured to an Extension Manifold, the Extension Manifold must be connected to a power supply, such as the Indoor Power Supply (8250-772), via the Alternate Power Input. See Table 2 for 8250-660 power requirements.

Table 2. 8250-660 power requirements.

Typical Power Consumption (W)
InstrumentIdleSampling/ MovingMax/ Warm-up
9982-079 Thermistor Input Module (each)0.120.12N/A
9982-077 Purge Pump (each)
Flask Sampling Kit Total (each)5.925.927.12

Note: The power requirements for the 9982-077 Purge Pump are based on the pump being configured to run in the user interface. If the pump is not configured to run, it will use no power.


  • Thermistor Input Module (9982-079)
    • Operating Range: -20 to 70 °C
  • Optional Thermistor Assembly (9982-081)
    • Operating Range: -20 to 70 °C
    • Accuracy: ±0.3 °C from -20 to 70 °C

Specifications subject to change without notice.


8250-02 Calibration Manifold Insert

Soil Gas Flux Measurement Solutions

Field guide to instruments for the earth sciences


Where Precise Gas Analysis Meets Patented Chamber Technology

As the access point of communication, the LI-8250 lets you control, monitor, and review measurements from each chamber. When connected with a LI-COR gas analyzer, see live flux calculations and diagnostics at your site. Connect with a third-party analyzer to provide time-synchronization for post-processing of fluxes of other gases.

The LI-8250 includes an embedded Wi-Fi server. This server allows you to connect to the Multiplexer using any Wi-Fi enabled device via browser. Add a cellular modem to receive daily summary files and remotely monitor your system—visit the site only as necessary.

LI-8250 Multiplexer studio photo

Reaching 36 Chambers

The LI-8250 Multiplexer has 8 ports. Each multiplexer port can connect to either a chamber or an 8250-01 Extension Manifold. You can have a maximum of 4 extension manifolds connected to the LI-8250 Multiplexer.

Each extension manifold also has 8 ports that can connect to chambers. Since the extension manifold uses 1 multiplexer port, each extension manifold gains you up to 7 more chambers.

With 4 extension manifolds, you can have 32 chambers on extension manifold ports and another 4 chambers on the remaining multiplexer ports.

32 chamber soil gas flux system featuring LI-8250 Multiplexer and 8250-01 Extension Manifold
LI-8250 Multiplexer, 8250-02 Calibration Manifold, LI-7825 CO2 Isotop/NH3 Trace Gas Analyzer, and the 8200-104 Opaque Long-Term Chamber group studio photo

Interested in taking CO2 isotope measurements from the soil?

The LI-7825 CO2 Isotope/ NH3 Trace Gas Analyzer can now be added to long-term system using the 8250-02 Calibration Manifold.

 See how you can take high-quality CO2 isotope measurements with the Calibration Manifold.

Interested in measuring trace gas evolution in flasks? The 8250-660 Flask Sampling Kit enables you to use your long-term system for flask measurements too.

Read the Application Note

LI-8250 Specifications


  • Dimensions: 38.5 cm L × 52 cm W × 18.5 cm H
  • Weight: 7.7 kg
  • Weatherproof Rating: Tested to IEC IP55 standard
  • Operating Range:
    • Temperature: –20 to 45 °C
    • Humidity: 0 to 95% RH, non-condensing
  • User Data Storage: 8 GB total non-volatile
  • GPS: Accuracy 2.5 m CEP
  • Coverage Area:
    • Maximum radius from LI-8250 to chambers: 15.0 m with one cable assembly or 30.0 m with an Extension Manifold and two cable assemblies.
    • Maximum diameter of measurement circle: 30.0 m with two cable assemblies or 60.0 m with two Extension Manifolds and four cable assemblies.
  • Plumbing:
    • Flow rate to/from chambers: ~2 to 3 lpm
    • Pump type: Diaphragm (pumps in the analyzers subsample air stream in the LI-8250)
  • Barometric Pressure Sensor:
    • Measurement Range: 20 to 110 kPa
    • Sensor Accuracy: ±0.4 kPa from 50 to 110 kPa
    • Resolution: 0.006 kPa


  • Seven LED Indicators: Power, Ready, Ethernet activity (3), USB activity (2)
  • Connectivity: Three Ethernet Ports, Wi-Fi (not available in some countries)
  • Wi-Fi Compatibility: 2.4 GHz, 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
  • Connectivity Ports:
    • USB-A: One sealed and strain-relieved for connection to LI-870 CO2/H2O Analyzer
    • USB-A: Two standard, internal for mass storage (file transfer) or a country specific Wi-Fi adapter.
    • RJ-45 Ethernet: Three sealed and strain-relieved for connection to LI-COR Trace Gas Analyzers, site Ethernet network, or cellular modem. Connectors also accept standard, non-sealed RJ-45 Ethernet cables for lab use.
  • Output Port Connector: RS-422 communication plus 24 VDC power, full duplex, 115,200 baud. +24 VDC output power is current limited to ~1.8 A per output port.


  • Power Requirements: 10 to 30 VDC (120 VAC and 240 VAC with optional power supply). The LI-8250 powers the 8200-104/C chambers, the 8250-01 Extension Manifold, and the LI-870 CO2/H2O Analyzer.

Table 1. Total system power requirements.

Typical Power Consumption (W)
Instrument Idle Sampling/ Moving Max/ Warm-up
LI-8250 4.8 15.6 18.2
8250-01 (each) 0.8 9.2 11.0
8200-104/C (each) 0.36 4.8 N/A
LI-870 5.0 5.0 14.0

Note: The max listed for the LI-8250 is a typical maximum, there is no additional warm-up power. Chamber power reaches 4.8 W only when opening or closing, not the entire time of sampling.

AC to DC Power Supply (8250-770)

  • Dimensions: 15 cm L × 12.5 cm W × 8.5 cm H
  • Weight: 1.3 kg
  • Weatherproof Rating: Tested to IEC IP55 standard
  • Environmental Operating Conditions: Tested to IP55 for dust and water ingress
  • Operating Temperature Range: –20 to 50 °C
  • Power Requirements: 100 to 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 120 VA
  • Output Voltage: 12 VDC, 6.67 A
  • Alternate Power Input: 21.9 to 26.5 VDC 80 W

Flask Sampling Kit (8250-660) Specifications


  • Power Requirements: Input voltage is supplied by the LI-8250 Multiplexer or the 8250-01 Extension Manifold. When a Purge Pump is configured to an Extension Manifold, the Extension Manifold must be connected to a power supply, such as the Indoor Power Supply (8250-772), via the Alternate Power Input. See Table 2 for 8250-660 power requirements.

Table 2. 8250-660 power requirements.

Typical Power Consumption (W)
Instrument Idle Sampling/ Moving Max/ Warm-up
9982-079 Thermistor Input Module (each) 0.12 0.12 N/A
9982-077 Purge Pump (each) 5.8 5.8 7.0
Flask Sampling Kit Total (each) 5.92 5.92 7.12

Note: The power requirements for the 9982-077 Purge Pump are based on the pump being configured to run in the user interface. If the pump is not configured to run, it will use no power.


  • Thermistor Input Module (9982-079)
    • Operating Range: -20 to 70 °C
  • Optional Thermistor Assembly (9982-081)
    • Operating Range: -20 to 70 °C
    • Accuracy: ±0.3 °C from -20 to 70 °C

Specifications subject to change without notice.


8250-02 Calibration Manifold Insert

Soil Gas Flux Measurement Solutions

Field guide to instruments for the earth sciences

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