Simple Automated Prep System


More than just diluting and dispensing

  • Save labor and free up personnel
  • Eliminate inconsistent manual pipetting
  • Flexible, spreadsheet-like software
  • Mobile, offline dilution system for the whole lab
  • One unit for both preparation and sampling
  • Serving multiple techniques and markets:
  • ICP, ICP-MS, AA, IC, FIA and more
  • Environmental, soils, mining, clinical, pharmaceuticals...

Adv​​antages of the SimPrep

  • Wide range of syringes from 10 μL to 50 mL
  • A single system can serve multiple techniques such as ICP-MS, ICP, AA, Colorimeter, IC, FIA
  • An extra autosampler - easily switch between sample prep and sample analysis with a switching USB hub (see below).


​The SimPrep is more than just a diluting and dispensing tool; it can automatically create:

  • Calibration curves
  • Splitting (prep 1 sample 3 differe​​nt ways)
  • Matrix spikes
  • Internal standard additions
  • Serial dilutions

Typical​ Res​ults

  • Carryover < 0.01%
  • Precision 100% at < 0.2%
  • Accuracy 100% ± 1%


​​​Replicate​ RSDs for 10 × dilution​ ​ ​

Standard Preparations

calibration curve done with simprep

The SimPrep can prepare the entire cur​ve from a single stock solution. This brings a high level of precision and accuracy to the most important prep of the day. Don’t worry about the analyst on duty or the day of the week, get the same prep every time. Autocalibration data from a 6 point curve. Standards prepared from a 100 ppm stock at 10× to 2000× dilution.​​


The intuitive SimPrep software an​d dual syringes allow it to achieve a wide range of functions. A few of these functions are highlighted below:

Standard Addition – The software allows the user to add standard solutions for a number of different applications. No matter whether it is a sample spike or a 1:1:10 dilution, the SimPrep makes it easy.

  • Matrix spikes
  • Internal standard addition
  • Prepping calibration curves
illustration showing aliquot and diluent being drawn then dispensed

Serial Dilution – Programmable rinsing and mixing options make it easier than ever to do accurate and simple serial dilutions.

  • High concentration sample
  • High matrix sample​
illustration showing aliquot dispensed inthe multiple vials

Splitting – The same sample can be prepared several different ways. This is perfect for customers who want to prep not only for ICP‑MS, but for AA and IC as well.

illustration showing one sample dispensed differently into multiple vials

Data Quality

Data quality ​​for automated​​​ pipetting systems can be broken into three basic metrics. They are accuracy, precision and carryo​​ver.​

Accuracy – The SimPrep excels at deliveri​ng the promised amount to the promised location. A wide range of syringes (10 µL to 50 mL) are offered, which allows you to tailor the setup to get the best results for a wide array of different applications. This specialization allows you to perform anything from dilutions to dispensing while staying within 1% of the target volume.

chart: percent error 0.35% at full syringe stroke, 0.09% at half syringe stroke, 0.04% and tenth syringe stroke

Precision – It is not enough to hit the target once; the SimPrep hits the target every time. Variations from sample to sample can lead to serious problems for any analysis. This is a particular challenge with hand pipetting, and one that is removed by the automation provided in this system. In the figure at right you can see the data summarized from three sets of 10 replicates at different dilution levels.

chart: percent RSD 1.00% at 10x dilution, 0.95% 100x at dilution, 1.31% 1000x at dilution

Carryover – The carryover of the SimPrep system was tested by analyzing a blank solution (1:10 dilution) that was prepared directly after a 10 ppm standard (made from a 100 ppm stock). This was compared with an undiluted blank solution to quantify the carryover from the preparation step.

ElementCarryover (%)Element​Carryover (%)​
​As 188.979​0.0022%​Mo 202.031​0.0005%
​Cd 228.802​0.0036%​Ni 231.604​0.0027%
​Co 228.616​0.0004%​Pb 220.353​0.0037%
​Cr 267.716​0.0013%​Sb 206.836​0.0083%
​Cu 327.393​0.0055%​Ti 334.940​0.0004%
​Fe 238.204​0.0025%​Tl 190.801​0.0001%
​Mg 285.213​0.0023%​V 290.880​0.0010%
​Mn 257.610​0.0007%​Zn 206.200​0.0047%


​The SimPrep is more than just a diluting and dispensing tool; it can automatically create:

  • Calibration curves
  • Splitting (prep 1 sample 3 differe​​nt ways)
  • Matrix spikes
  • Internal standard additions
  • Serial dilutions

Typical​ Res​ults

  • Carryover < 0.01%
  • Precision 100% at < 0.2%
  • Accuracy 100% ± 1%



Ca ​0.577% Mn ​0.688%
Cd ​0.356% Mo ​0.347%
Co ​0.407% Sb ​0.804%
Cu ​0.524% Se ​0.859%
Fe ​0.410% Ti ​0.713%
Mg ​0.672% Zn ​0.575%
​​​Replicate​ RSDs for 10 × dilution​ ​ ​

Standard Preparations

calibration curve done with simprep

The SimPrep can prepare the entire cur​ve from a single stock solution. This brings a high level of precision and accuracy to the most important prep of the day. Don’t worry about the analyst on duty or the day of the week, get the same prep every time. Autocalibration data from a 6 point curve. Standards prepared from a 100 ppm stock at 10× to 2000× dilution.​​


The intuitive SimPrep software an​d dual syringes allow it to achieve a wide range of functions. A few of these functions are highlighted below:

Standard Addition – The software allows the user to add standard solutions for a number of different applications. No matter whether it is a sample spike or a 1:1:10 dilution, the SimPrep makes it easy.

  • Matrix spikes
  • Internal standard addition
  • Prepping calibration curves

illustration showing aliquot and diluent being drawn then dispensed

Serial Dilution – Programmable rinsing and mixing options make it easier than ever to do accurate and simple serial dilutions.

  • High concentration sample
  • High matrix sample​

illustration showing aliquot dispensed inthe multiple vials

Splitting – The same sample can be prepared several different ways. This is perfect for customers who want to prep not only for ICP‑MS, but for AA and IC as well.

illustration showing one sample dispensed differently into multiple vials

Data Quality

Data quality ​​for automated​​​ pipetting systems can be broken into three basic metrics. They are accuracy, precision and carryo​​ver.​

Accuracy – The SimPrep excels at deliveri​ng the promised amount to the promised location. A wide range of syringes (10 µL to 50 mL) are offered, which allows you to tailor the setup to get the best results for a wide array of different applications. This specialization allows you to perform anything from dilutions to dispensing while staying within 1% of the target volume.

chart: percent error 0.35% at full syringe stroke, 0.09% at half syringe stroke, 0.04% and tenth syringe stroke

Precision – It is not enough to hit the target once; the SimPrep hits the target every time. Variations from sample to sample can lead to serious problems for any analysis. This is a particular challenge with hand pipetting, and one that is removed by the automation provided in this system. In the figure at right you can see the data summarized from three sets of 10 replicates at different dilution levels.

chart: percent RSD 1.00% at 10x dilution, 0.95% 100x at dilution, 1.31% 1000x at dilution

Carryover – The carryover of the SimPrep system was tested by analyzing a blank solution (1:10 dilution) that was prepared directly after a 10 ppm standard (made from a 100 ppm stock). This was compared with an undiluted blank solution to quantify the carryover from the preparation step.

Element Carryover (%) Element ​Carryover (%)​
​As 188.979 ​0.0022% ​Mo 202.031 ​0.0005%
​Cd 228.802 ​0.0036% ​Ni 231.604 ​0.0027%
​Co 228.616 ​0.0004% ​Pb 220.353 ​0.0037%
​Cr 267.716 ​0.0013% ​Sb 206.836 ​0.0083%
​Cu 327.393 ​0.0055% ​Ti 334.940 ​0.0004%
​Fe 238.204 ​0.0025% ​Tl 190.801 ​0.0001%
​Mg 285.213 ​0.0023% ​V 290.880 ​0.0010%
​Mn 257.610 ​0.0007% ​Zn 206.200 ​0.0047%

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Simple Automated Prep System
Simple Automated Prep System