TOC Combustion Analyzer


The Torch is considered the premium TOC combustion analyzer due to its many useful features and automated analysis processes. For example, it makes serial dilutions of stock standards to form a calibration curve and auto-dilute samples with concentrations above the calibration curve. The Torch software has built-in diagnostic and troubleshooting capabilities​. For a luxury but affordable TOC combustion analyzer that you can just load and walk away, look no further than the Torch. You won't regret it!

Here are a couple more features worth noting:


  • The Torch utilizes a patent pending Static Pressure Concentration (SPC) for the analysis of TOC using high temperature combustion.
  • Maintenance is simplified by design allowing easy access to all areas of the unit.

All of these features and competitive price positioning make this system ideal in keeping costs down and maintaining productivity in the laboratory.



  • ​Built-in benchmark diagnostic check – including leak check
  • Ability to program and store furnace temperatures to accommodate various methods
  • Static Pressure Concentration Technology (patent pending)
  • Intellidilution feature automatically detects samples that have exceeded the selected calibration range and dilutes it to fall within the selected range
  • Multiple pre-set application ranges for analytical requirements
  • Auto-calibration eliminates the need for manual standard preparation
  • Detection Levels:
    • Carbon 50ppb to 30,000ppm
  • Easy access for maintenance of combustion tube
  • Improved catalyst
  • Built-in autosampler
  • Increased throughput with ASM Sparge
  • Auto-blanking
  • Mass Flow Controller
  • Optional vial mixing capabilities​

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TOC Combustion Analyzer
TOC Combustion Analyzer