Atmospheric Distillation


State-of-the-Art Solution for Performing Atmospheric Distillation

Thousands of users worldwide trust OptiDist™ for its state-of-the-art solution for performing atmospheric distillation, offering the most precision and ease-of-use.

The versatile design enables multi-methods and non-standard capabilities, which can easily be adapted for different applications. The testing and results are in full compliance with all atmospheric distillation methods.

With OptiDist, you can optimize your distillation rate. The patented optimizer performs continuous monitoring and controls the initial heat by a proprietary algorithm without requiring any input from the operator. The optimizer function also improves the distillation rate by avoiding surges or reductions. This predictive control results in better distillations, even for difficult or unknown samples.

In compliance with ASTM D86, D1078, D850, EN ISO3405, ISO 918, IP123, IP195, DIN51751, JIS K2254, NFN 07-002

OptiDist is the benchmark in atmospheric distillation testing offering the highest level of precision. Its a state-of-the-art optimal solution for performing atmospheric distillation.

Easy-to-Use, One Button Straightforward Operation

Superior Precision from First Run

Fully Automated Regulation

Advanced Built-In Safety Features

Competitor Analysis Comparison Chart >

OptiDist_ Atmospheric Distillation

For more information, contact us.


Easy-to-Use, One Button Straightforward Operation

Superior Precision from First Run

Fully Automated Regulation

Advanced Built-In Safety Features

Competitor Analysis Comparison Chart

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Atmospheric Distillation
Atmospheric Distillation