The AFM100 Series is Hitachi’s next generation probe microscopy platform. The AFM100 Plus and AFM100 systems that make up this series have been designed to expand the capabilities and performance of atomic force microscopy, while providing an easy-to-use platform suitable for users of all experience levels.
Experience the finest reliability and innovation with the AFM100 Series.


Pre-mounted cantilevers make replacement EASY(option)

Pre-mounted cantilevers make replacement EASY(option)

Automated measurement & analysis with one-click autopilot function

Automated measurement & analysis with one-click autopilot function

Correlative SEM-EDS Analysis with our AFM Marking Function

Analyze the same region of interest (ROI) with SEM, EDS, and AFM: More Information = Better Results!

  • Automated AFM Marking Features with Navigation Software.
・Automated AFM Marking Features with Navigation Software.
※SÆMic. is a generic term for SEM-AFM correlative analysis recommended by Hitachi High-Tech.

[Evaluating AFM-KFM-SEM-EDS of Aluminum Alloy before and after Corrosion]

[Evaluating AFM-KFM-SEM-EDS of Aluminum Alloy before and after Corrosion]


AFM100 Plus/AFM100 System Specifications
AFM100 Plus AFM100
Detection System/Light Source Optical lever/SLD (Super luminescent diode)
Lever holder Premount holder*, multi-holder*
Basic Specifications RMS noise level: ≦0.03 nm, in-plane drift: ≦0.03 nm/sec
Sample size Max. 35 mmφ, thickness 10 mm, (max. 50 mm sq., thickness 20 mm)*
Scanner (Scan range)* (XY:20 μm/Z:1.5 μm, XY:100 μm/Z:15 μm, XY:150 μm/Z:5 μm)*(Included with a 5-year warranty)
Light microscope Microscope with zoom function (Field of view XY:1.8 x 1.38 to 0.26 x 0.2 mm)*
Simple optical microscope (Field of view XY:1.6 x 1.2 mm)*
Simple optical microscope
(field of view XY:1.6 × 1.2 mm)
Basic functions AFM, DFM, PM, FFM, SIS-shapes/properties, Q-value control AFM, DFM, PM, FFM, SIS-shapes
Vibration isolation and noise isolation mechanism Passive vibration isolation air table and sound-proof cover Standard tabletop
Sample transfer mechanism Manual Stage XY:±2.5 mm, Impact Stage Set (Conductive Type)*
Measurement environment Atmosphere, in liquid*, heated* (room temperature to 250 °C), heated in liquid* (room temperature to 60 °C)
Other functions Self-check function, software download service, AFM marking*
Power Supply Specifications AC 100 V ± 10 V, 15 A, 1 line, D inoculated grounded receptacle

The asterisk (*) in the table indicates feature is optional.

For detailed specifications, please refer to the product specification sheet.

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Multifunctional Probe Atomic Force Microscope
Multifunctional Probe Atomic Force Microscope