Mercury Analyzer

QuickTrace® M-8000 CVAF

The QuickTrace® M-8000 Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence (CVAF) Mercury Analyzer​ is ideal for ultra-trace to sub-mg/L mercury quantitation. It easily achieves the ultra-trace mercury detection limit of < 0.05 ng/L demanded by customers employing EPA method 1631. The QuickTrace® M-8000 is also versatile enough to analyze samples > 400 μg/L in a research or industrial setting without dilution.


QuickTrace® M-8000 CVAA Mercury Analyzer

Depending on your laboratory’s requirements, the QuickTrace® M-8000 mercury analyzer supports three modes of operation:

Mode 1: Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy (CVAFS)

Mode 2: Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy Single Gold Trap Amalgamation (CVAFS-SGTA)

Mode 3: Cold Vapor Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy Double Gold Trap Amalgamation (CVAFS-DGTA)

The mode can be changed in software, without hardware or tubing configuration changes.



Excellent short and long term stability are found in the QuickTrace® M-8000 CVAF analyzer. Less than 0.02 ng/L instrument detection limits are typical for the QuickTrace® M-8000 gold trap modes utilizing less than 25 ml of sample. We consistently achieve non-gold trap instrument detection limits of less than 0.1 ng/L utilizing less than 10 ml of sample.

  • Ultra-trace detection limits (< 0.05 ng/L IDL)
  • Linearity greater than 4 orders of magnitude
  • Dynamic range < 0.05 ng/L to > 400 μg/L
  • In Mode 1 by response comparison to a 100 ng/L standard, the system exhibits < 0.01% memory effect of a 1 mg/L standard immediately following the ingestion of a 1 part per million (mg/L) sample.
  • In Mode 1 without employing our smart rinse technology the system is ready to accurately measure a sample within four minutes following the ingestion of a 1 ppm sample
  • ​Mode 2 & 3 – Short term precision (%RSD @ 95% Confidence) = 2.5% @ 5 ng/L, n=5​

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QuickTrace® M-8000 CVAF
Mercury Analyzer
QuickTrace® M-8000 CVAF
Mercury Analyzer